

オーストラリアからの便り 第3回



帰国まで1ヶ月をきりました。帰りたいようで帰りたくないです。 3月7日は体育祭があり、日本とは全く違う海外ならではの楽しみ方だなと実感しました。
週末には、海やショッピングセンターに連れて行ってもらったり、お寿司を食べました。学校では、wood technologyという技術の時間があり、現地の子しかいない上に、やり方も分からなくて結構困りました。Photographyの授業では、水風船の割れた瞬間の写真を撮ったり、鳥などの自然な写真を撮りました。

It is now less than a month until I return home, but I don’t want to go home anymore.
On March 7, we had a field day that was completely different from the one in Japan, and I realized that I could only enjoy it in a foreign country. On weekends, we were taken the beach, shopping centers, and ate sushi. In the photography class, we took pictures of water balloons breaking, birds, and other nature photography. Looking back over the past month or so, I realized that is very important to try everything without fear of failure. I will do my best for the rest of the year.



Less than three weeks until I return Japan. I also working on our final assignment for the end of Term 1 at school, and I realize that our return date is approaching.
I recently attended a 3-day camp at school. It was a valuable and good experience for me to enjoy marine sports and BBQ and to learn about Australian history and culture.
I also participated in the sports day. It was something completely different from a Japanese sports festival, with food trucks, face painting, and dancing, it was like a festival.
This sports day was the first time for us international students to interact with all grades and was a great opportunity to make new friends.
Outside of school, I am good friends with my host mother’s friends and we go out and have dinner together on weekends. I learn a lot from my host mother and host mother’s friends because their conversation is more natural English than the English I learn in school.



Two weeks have already passed since March. Now I look forward to going to school every day. I especially enjoy talking with many friends during recess.
The classes here are different from those in Japan in many ways. For example, in a physical education class, we go to another place once a week and do physical education. So there are some difficult parts, but now I’m used to it and it’s fun.
I enjoy communicating with my host family and watching TV together.
I’m looking forward to going to the zoo next week with Jisoo, who I became good friends with at school.
There are only a little over two weeks left, so I want to spend it without regrets.


今月はSports dayがあったので、現地の友達とSports dayの服を買いに一緒にショッピングモールに行きました。 とてもたのしかったですが、わからない英語もあって大変でした。Sports dayは、みんな気合の入った服装で凄かったです。

It has already been a month since I studied abroad.
This month, I went to a shopping mall with my local friends to buy clothes for Sports Day.
It was a lot of fun, but it was also hard because I didn’t understand English.
On Sports day, everyone was dressed very enthusiastically and it was amazing.
The other day I went hiking with my host family. The view from the top of the mountain was very beautiful. On Saturdays and Sundays, I was taken to many places and had a lot of fun and experienced many things.
Australia is fun, but recently I’ve been missing Japan. One month went by so fast, but the remaining two weeks seem to be longer.