オーストラリアからの便り 第2回
It has been about a month since I arrived in Australia, and I am now able to speak smoothly with local students and other international students. I was able to spend meaningful time with my friends in the city. I had a great time at the BBQ held at the school. I am trying my best to communicate with many people by listening to Western music and copying what I hear on Youtube.
It has been a month since I arrived in Australia. I have gotten used to life here and am enjoying local events and various school activities.
In the past month, I feel that my listening skills have improved compared to before my study abroad. I am now able to write down words that I think are important in what the other person is saying and to answer questions immediately when asked. Before, I often had to translate the other person’s English into Japanese in my head before I could respond as I wanted to, and I often had to smile affectionately. Recently, I am very happy and even more motivated to be able to understand jokes in English, to phrase them, and to feel my own growth, even if it is only a little.
This study abroad program is now just before the turnaround point. There are still some things that I am not used to and some things that make me anxious, but I have naturally been able to switch to a positive mindset, which was one of my goals during my study abroad. Everyone in Australia is cheerful and positive, and we praise each other’s good points even when we meet for the first time. I hope to meet many more good things about Australia in the future.
家ではこっちに来てすぐの頃はあまりホストファミリーとはと会話をしなかったりすぐに自分の部屋に閉じこもっていたりしていたがここ最近では時間があったりすればホストファミリーとはと話したりもう1人の留学生の子と話したりとコミュニケーションをとる時間が増えました。ただホストシスターはすぐに部屋にいってしまうのでまだちゃんと会話をしたりできてないので残りの1ヶ月の間で話したいです。先週は夕飯のあとホストマザーと留学生のキャシーの3人で映画を見たりと楽しい時間を過ごしました。休日はキャシーとショッピングに行って洋服を見たりと楽しい休日でした。先週の水曜日は色んな学校の新入生歓迎会のwelcome partyに参加してきました。オーストラリアの動物の紹介やダンス、歌などを披露してくれました。ゲームをしたりお菓子を食べながら色んな子とコミュニケーションをとったりと楽しい1日でした。そして、久しぶりに同じ留学生組の3人に会いました。3人の元気な姿を見れて良かったし久しぶりに会えて嬉しかったです。partyはあっという間に終わってしまったが色んな人と話せていい体験でした。残り1ヶ月しかないので悔いのないよう1日1日を大切に過ごして行きたいです。
It’s been a month since I started studying abroad. I’ve gotten used to the unfamiliar school life, and now I’m talking to various children myself. I’m getting used to classes that I wasn’t used to, and I’m starting to talk to various children myself little by little. However, I still don’t understand, so at that time I get help from my teachers and friends. I’ve been at school for a month and it still surprises me. The first is eating sweets during class. The teacher is proceeding with the class without paying attention to it. The second is that I am wearing earphones even though I am in class. It was strange because some teachers warned me and others didn’t.
When I first arrived at home, I didn’t communicate much with my host family and went straight back to my room, but recently I’ve been spending more time communicating with my host family and fellow international student Cathy
Last Wednesday, I attended welcome parties for new students at various schools. They introduced Australian animals and performed songs and dances. It was a fun day to communicate with various children while eating sweets.
I only have one month left, so I want to cherish every single day so that I have no regrets.
It has been one month since I studied in Australia.
Australian people are very kind and smile a lot, and many of them will follow you along when you are in trouble or don’t know the way.
My homestay family meets at a friend’s house every Saturday night and we go to the church on Sunday morning.
The rice is Thai rice, which did not suit my palate, but recently my tongue has become accustomed to it and I can eat it. Prices are very high. It costs $10 for a set of MacDonalds.
Unlike in Japan, the lessons at school are not taught to you, but you have to learn by doing your own research. Also, the food is very good. Pizza is very cheap and you can buy it for one dollar.
I have made local friends and am enjoying my school life